The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 52

I have settled into this "new normal" now. I'm not going back to work until mid August to ensure that things with the coronavirus have settled as much as is possible before we run out of money to sustain us on one income. There's a structure to our days now: Josh works, and after I've … Continue reading The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 52

The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 38

Everything seems to have gotten into a sort of rhythm now. The pressing anxiety I felt before has abated and I am able to think more like Josh, who reasons that as long as we are taking all of the precautions possible, that is all we can do and the rest is out of our … Continue reading The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 38

The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 24

The days are blending into one long April day. There's a lot of "is that a cough starting up?" and "is my chest feeling tight anxiety or the coronavirus?"and "what is that tickle at the back of my throat?" and sometimes, in the night, in the dark, that anxiety can become overwhelming. I have read … Continue reading The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 24

The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 15

Thinking back on the last few days, they all blur into one. Does anyone even know what day of the week it is anymore?! We've been watching a really good adaptation of The War of the Worlds, set in current times (minus one coronavirus). I found it interesting that they made it so close to … Continue reading The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 15

The Coronavirus Cronicles: Day 10 & 11

Yesterday I awoke earlier than normal and jumped in the shower and then went out for a walk, but there were so many people walking up and down the canal that it was hard to avoid them, so instead I walked up and down the top of the park whilst on the phone to my … Continue reading The Coronavirus Cronicles: Day 10 & 11

The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 6, 7, 8, and 9

On Monday the plumber and his apprentice came and identified the leak in the floor and fixed it, as well as insulating our pipes. I am so relieved that they managed to sort it out. Now all we have to do is wait for it to dry, which could take a long time, but at … Continue reading The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 6, 7, 8, and 9

The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 5

Today when we got up, I noticed that on top of Josh's floorboards that were drying out yesterday, there was water sitting on top of them. So now we think there is a leak instead and we don't know if they are going to have to know into the wall or what in order to … Continue reading The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 5

The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 3 & 4

I'm starting to lose track of time and the days: it took hard work to remember what we did yesterday. On Day 2 I suggested to Josh that we need some sort of exercising schedule for two weeks that we cannot go outside at all. Due to my ME/CFS, I wanted to find some low … Continue reading The Coronavirus Chronicles: Day 3 & 4

Exercise: Is it Part of Your Healthy Lifestyle, or Are You Waging War on Your Body?

Exercise: it is a prominent part of our lives. It is a prominent thing on our minds. It is something that those with eating disorders use and abuse to lose weight, change their bodies, and deal with negative thoughts and feelings in a negative and unhealthy way, but it is also something that has become … Continue reading Exercise: Is it Part of Your Healthy Lifestyle, or Are You Waging War on Your Body?